This is the third film we have made about the poorest strata of society in the two areas where we work in Andhra Pradesh, south India. The first two films set the scene: the physical context, the work the people are engaged in, and the work of the Catholic sisters who help these people and how we support the sisters. This film is different; this time the focus is specifically on village women who are telling us in their own words about the problems they face and how they think their lives could be improved.  We shot the film over three weeks in the two areas where we work. We interviewed ten women in all selected because they were group leaders and had a wider grasp of village matters than perhaps other women. They are all semi literate, poorly educated and come from the same socio-economic strata – scheduled caste landless labourers.  The questions were simple and always the same: “What could be improved in your village?” and “ What are the obstacles to such improvements?”. The answers speak for themselves.